News - Students Warned Of Breathalyzers At School Dance - Lane Lyon, 7NEWS Reporter

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. -- Along with music and streamers, Mountain Vista High students could see breathalyzer tests at the Sadie Hawkins dance Saturday.

School administrators made the announcement over the loudspeaker Thursday, said student Josh Gross.

“They said they’re going to have a breathalyzer at the door, and if you look like you’ve been drinking at the door they’ll tag you,” said Gross, a junior at the school.

District officials confirmed the breath tests come in the wake of “a few incidents” surrounding dances in the past that concern school leaders.

“If there is any suspicion that a student has been drinking before, or at the dance, the student will be asked to submit to a breathalyzer,” said Whei Wong, Communications Director for Douglas County Schools, in a statement Thursday evening.

"They will do everything they can to keep students safe," Wong also said in the statement.

School resource officers administer the tests.

An e-mail sent to parents Thursday raised questions about how many students would be given the breathalyzer tests.

“I think they’re doing it to everyone that walks in,” said student Stephen Amend.

A parent, who asked not to be identified, had a similar impression and expressed concerns of trust and privacy.

The e-mail, obtained by 7NEWS, said, “This Saturday, we will have a passive breathalyzer at the Sadie Hawkins dance. We want to make sure that students are safe and making good choices. Therefore, your child will most likely be asked to breathe into the breathalyzer.

”Wong reiterated the breathalyzer would be used when alcohol is suspected.

“In sending the message, Mountain Vista High School leadership intended to let parents and students know that they will be extra vigilant this weekend regarding the dance.

”While one student called the plan, “ridiculous,” not everyone is opposed to it.

“I think it’s okay,” Amend said. The sophomore added, “Some kids are really irresponsible and I’ve heard stories in the past where kids do dumb things.”