DUI Tips & Advice
DUI Penalties - DMV Hearings - DUI Punishment
A One Mistake Country? Perhaps Not... Did you know that a group called the National Motorists Association, or NMA, (www.motorist.org) is involved in fighting what it calls "revenue-generating enforcement" and "revenge-based enforcement"? This lobby group opposes drunk driving, while encouraging reasonable DUI penalties. The group also actively opposes what it claims are police state tactics. |
What Are Some Examples of DUI Penalties? DUI punishment varies from state to state, so you'll need to check with your lawyer to see what may apply in your particular state. Using California DUI penalties as an example, first offenders who are denied probation can expect the following: |
A Hidden DUI Punishment Aside from the DUI punishment that courts can hand down based on a misdemeanor or felony DUI conviction, there are hidden punishments that may not be apparent until it is too late. |
The Burden of Proof? Many people question the right of states such as California to give administrative license suspension to a driver who has not been convicted in a court of law. Driver's license suspension, so the argument goes, is basically assuming guilt, which is contrary to the Constitution. |
How Many Guilty Verdicts are Obtained Did you know that in many felony convictions for DUI, the most damaging evidence comes from the driver's own mouth? Remember the line in the Miranda warning that says "anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." This is extremely important to remember because many people admit to things that they don't realize are "evidential in nature". |
Penalties for Drunk Driving in Florida If you are arrested for drunk driving in the state of Florida, the penalties can be extremely harsh. Every state has its own penalties and they are very wide-ranging. Even the individual state penalties for drunk driving vary greatly. In Florida, for example, a driver convicted of drunk driving can suffer penalties ranging from a fine of anything from $250 to $5000 and a 5 year jail term. Unless the driver requests an administrative hearing within 10 days of their arrest, their license will also be suspended. |
What Happens if I Get Probation? DUI punishment can vary from state to state, but there are a few guidelines that may apply to you depending on the facts in your DUI punishment. If you have not received a felony conviction or have received probation, you could see some or all of the following: |
The Difference Between Your DMV Hearing and a DUI Trial If you had your license taken away at the time of your DUI arrest, this is known as a California (or whatever state you reside in) administrative license suspension. It is up to you to request a hearing to get your license back. This is done at the Department of Motor Vehicles in your state, and has nothing to do with the trial. |
What Factors Influence a DUI Punishment? If you have been found guilty in a DUI case, with or without a felony conviction, there are many things that can affect your DUI punishment. Ask yourself the following questions: |