DUI Tips & Advice
DUI - Driving Under the Influence
Dealing with a DUI Criminal charges are never easy to deal with. The hardest of charges to face, however, are those that can have a detrimental affect on your social standing. DUI is at the top of this list. A DUI charge can hurt a person's work, family, and personal life in ways few other offenses can. It is important to deal with a DUI charge properly: |
What Do Police Look For in DUI Stops? When being pulled over as part of a DUI sweep, it is important to remember a few things: |
Get Help Before You Get a DUI Many DUI accidents could have been prevented. Too many drunken driving accidents are caused by drivers who are regular abusers of alcohol or suffer from alcoholism. For those that wait too long, the wake up call could come in the form of a DUI. A charge of DUI on your record can change your life forever. If you are lucky, the wake up call will only hit you and wonn't involve you hitting someone else. |
OUIL? Oh, You Need Help If you live in Michigan and have been charged with OUIL, there are some things you should know before you face the charges. Mainly, OUIL is no longer a crime unto itself. In fact, Michigan legislature recently passed law incorporating OUIL into other DUI and DWI laws (his meant a stiffening of penalties and no more distinction between OUIL and other drunken operating offenses). |
Blood Test vs. Breath Test If you are given the choice between a breath test and a blood test during a DUI stop, there are two important things to keep in mind. First and foremost, chemical test refusal is tantamount to pleading guilty on the spot. The second thing you should seriously consider is asking for a blood test instead of a breath test. This DUI test is very helpful in many cases, because the evidence can be retested at a later date in case of a botched initial test. |
Driving Under the Influence It doesn't take a felony DUI situation with excessively elevated blood alcohol content, high speed, and other factors to create a dangerous situation for the driver and passengers. Here are some basic drunk driving facts. For starters, the biggest myth about drinking and driving is that you can "learn to drive drunk". Alcohol impairs your ability to handle surprises. Even at low speeds, a sudden roadblock, detour, or even a deer can cause you to lose control of the car. |
Is a DUII Different than a DUI? The different names of charges for drunk driving in different areas causes many people confusion. You may have seen various different acronyms such as: |
DWI Field Exercises If you have ever been pulled over on suspicion of drunken driving, you have faced the dreaded DWI field sobriety exercises. For those that have never had to go through them, here is what you need to know that not all states have the same DWI exercises. Most are standard, however, and often times consist of the following exercises: |
Keeping Your License After a DWI After being charged with a DWI, most drivers suffer serious consequences. The most common of which is a license suspension or revocation. If you have been charged with DWI, there are ways for you to avoid this penalty. |
Convicted of DWAI? Don't Make the Same Mistake Twice In Colorado, driving under the influence is often classified as DWAI (driving while ability impaired). If you have been convicted of DWAI in Colorado, don't worry, it is not the end of the world. That is, unless you make the same mistake again. |
Drunk Driving in Maine - OUI In the state of Maine, a drunk driving case is referred to as OUI (Operating Under the Influence). Operating under the influence is a serious crime in the State of Maine. In Maine, an OUI arrest can result in two separate charges: |
DUI Tests Unfair to Women? Scientific studies on DUI and women have concluded that breathalyzer tests may be harder on women than men. Studies show women registering as being above the legal limit of .08 on a breath test even when the actual blood alcohol levels were well within the legal range. Even though no drunk driving occurs, the breath test says "guilty!" While it may seem an unfair part of life, women should be particularly careful with regards to driving under the influence in light of these scientific studies. Don't be unfairly charged. If you are pulled over as part of a DUI sweep, request a blood test rather than risk being inaccurately measured because of your gender. |
DUI Tests and Birth Control Women and DUI breath tests are being called an unfair combination, according to some DUI lawyers. Some legal experts point to studies that indicate oral contraceptives can give false positives for .08 or higher blood alcohol content. |
Driving While Intoxicated The definition of DWI or DUI is not limited to alcohol and illegal drugs. Any substance that can affect your judgment falls under the law. |
The Felony DUI A felony DUI charge comes in several ways. A fourth DUI charge is automatically a felony. If excessive speed and very high blood alcohol content were involved, you may find the drunk driving case being charged as a felony, and the same goes of there was personal injury or property damage as a result of the DUI. |
What Leads to a DUI Arrest? There are many indicators that may lead a police officer to make a DUI arrest. The drunk driving facts of life include extreme suspicion of the following: |
Victim of a Drunken Driver? Consider this true drunk driving story. A couple walks out of a restaurant to find that their car has been sideswiped by someone driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The couple looked further down the street to see five more cars that had also been smashed by the driver in this felony DUI incident. |
Debunking a Major Myth About DUI Charges There are many half-truths, urban legends, and falsehoods about DUI charges. Some people wrongly think chemical test refusal will get them out of a DUI stop. Others believe such nonsense as sucking on loose change can help beat a breathalyzer test during a police stop under suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. |